- broadcasting station
- радиовещательная станция
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
broadcasting station — transliavimo stotis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. broadcasting station vok. Rundfunksendestation, f; Rundfunkstation, f rus. радиовещательная станция, f pranc. station de radiodiffusion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
broadcasting station — noun a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs • Syn: ↑broadcast station • Hypernyms: ↑station • Hyponyms: ↑radio station, ↑television station, ↑TV station … Useful english dictionary
broadcasting station — n. radio or television station through which information and entertainment are conveyed and transmitted to the public in practically every country around the world … English contemporary dictionary
Near East Broadcasting Station — The Near East Broadcasting Station (also Sharq el Adna, Voice of Britain) started broadcasting in Arabic in 1941/1942 from Jaffa, Mandate of Palestine. It was fully financed and run by the British government. The goal of the broadcasts were to… … Wikipedia
Urumqi People's Broadcasting Station — Urumqi People s Broadcasting Station, (Chinese: 乌鲁木齐人民广播电台 Pinyin: Wūlǔmùqí Rénmín Guǎngbō Diàntái ) consists of radio broadcasting news to Urumqi and the Xinjiang province area. It is operated by the Xinjiang Networking Transmission Limited in… … Wikipedia
Korean Central Broadcasting Station — Die Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) ist ein Kurzwellensender aus Nordkorea, sendet ausschließlich in koreanischer Sprache und wird als Inlandsdienst betrieben. Die überwiegend aus der Zentrale in Pjöngjang kommenden Sendungen sind in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Broadcasting System of San-in — Broadcasting System of San in, Inc. (BSS, 株式会社山陰放送) is a Japanese radio station and TV station broadcast in Tottori Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture. It is afferiated with Japan Radio Network (JRN), National Radio Network (NRN), Japan News… … Wikipedia
station — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. place, position; office, situation, rank, standing; depot, terminal; headquarters, stopping place, post. See location, repute, business, class. v. t. set, place, assign, post. See location. II (Roget… … English dictionary for students
station de radiodiffusion — transliavimo stotis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. broadcasting station vok. Rundfunksendestation, f; Rundfunkstation, f rus. радиовещательная станция, f pranc. station de radiodiffusion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Broadcasting in the Soviet Union — was owned by the state, and was under its tight control and censorship.Broadcasting s governing body in the Soviet Union was the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting , or USSR Gosteleradio (Государственный комитет по… … Wikipedia
Broadcasting in Singapore — began in 1936 when Radio Singapura was established as the first local mass market radio service. Subsequently in February 1963, before the retreat of the British Armed Forces, and after the merger with Malaya, Singapore launched her first… … Wikipedia